Seeing a movie in the theater is a special treat for my family. We have seen a few lately but usually we use Redbox and have family movie nights at home. But still it's not the same as seeing a movie on the big screen. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. My SIL emailed me with a great program that I hadn't heard about and it's definitely worth sharing with all of you too!
The 5 Buck Club is offered by Kerasotes Theaters. Once a new movie has run for a few weeks, 5 Buck Club members will be able to see it at a discounted price of ... you guessed it ... $5.00. Here's how it works ... Register here. And then register each member of your family. (This is one of those times when Roboform is extremely helpful!) Your 5 Buck Card(s) will be shipped the next day. Then simply watch your inbox on Thursday's for an email telling you which movies and show times are eligible for your 5 Buck Club discount.
Look for a participating theater in your area. Our local Kerasotes theaters offer free refills on popcorn and drinks every day PLUS Tuesday night is FREE popcorn night. Does your's do the same?
Yay! $25 for the 5 of us to see a movie and have popcorn (a real treat!!) is a great savings!!
Thanks Emily!!!

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