Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Purex Catalina Update

Update .... Catalina called me as they said they would.  They told me that Kroger pulled the Purex Catalina because it conflicted with their weekly sale.  I guess good things do come to an end.  Let me know if you know any more than I do.


I went shopping at Kroger today to stock up on Purex Laundry Detergent.  BUT I didn't get the expected $4.00 catalina ... and I know that I'm not the only one.  I had a GREAT experience with a Customer Service Rep who went the extra mile.  When I inquired about the catalina he said "Let's call Catalina."  He found out that apparently the catalina database needs to be reset .... whatever that means .... so that the Purex Catalinas will print as they should.  The catalina rep offered to call me as soon as the reset is complete.  So if you're planning to take advantage of the Purex Deal today ... my advice would be to wait a few hours to see if catalina calls me.  I'll update here again as soon as they do.

If you've already shopped and not received your catalina .... call Catalina at 1-888-826-8766.  You'll need your receipt when you call.  They should offer to send you the catalina by mail.  It may take a few weeks to get it but better late than never. 

Whenever you shop it would probably be a good idea to take a copy of the Purex Catalina Info that Carrie at Money Saving Methods has provided here.  I don't usually save these .... I guess I'm going to start now.  Thanks Carrie!

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Carrie @ said...

I wonder what they are going to do for all of those shoppers who bought it and didn't get their Catalina's?

Hopefully my print out of the actual Catalina deal will help those that already bought theirs and didn't get in on it.