After all the food I ate last week it hardly feels necessary to eat this week. Oh but wait it's New Years week with more parties so I get to keep eating!! I hope to hit the gym a few times this week though to help with all the yummy cookies and snacks I can't stay away from.
I made a few changes to last week's menu there was so much leftover Beef Stew from Christmas Eve that we ate it again on Sunday. That means that the dinner I had planned for Sunday is on this week's plan instead. We went to Champps on Monday with a Gift Certificate so Monday's dinner was moved to Tuesday and Tuesday's dinner is now on this week's menu.
Here's what's for dinner this week....
- Monday - Chicken Tetrazinni from the freezer Thanks Money Saving Mom!
- Tuesday - Turkey Chili
- Wednesday - Smoked Sausage, Green Beans and Potatoes
- Thursday - New Year's Eve Party I'm taking Buffalo Chicken Dip
- Friday - Mexican Night! Shredded Mexican Chicken in crockpot for Nachos & Burritos
- Saturday - Dinner at a friend's I'm taking an appetizer but not sure what yet
- Sunday -Shredded BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, Veggie, Homemade Sweet Potato Fries

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