Chiquita Bananas ~~~ $.39/lb
Tyson Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts ~~~ $1.99/lb
Kroger Medium Eggs ~~~ $0.59/dozen
Clif, Luna or Mojo Bars ~~~ $1.00 ea
$0.50/1 Luna Bar or Protein Bar
Little Debbie Snack Cakes ~~~ $1.00 ea
Nabisco Snak Sacks, 8 oz ~~~ $1.00 ea
$1/2 Nabisco Cookies or Crackers 9/26/2010 SS Insert (exp 11/7/2010)
$.50 ea
Get more Kroger week of September 27th ad details here. Kroger runs their sales from Monday's through Sunday's.
I will post about my shopping trips to share how I did!
Thanks Savings Lifestyle (formerly Mommy Snacks)!!
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