Monday, April 19, 2010

Done! Coupon Binder is Caught Up

It's 7:57 and it's done!  My coupon binder is all caught up.  Expired coupons have been pulled, this week's coupons have been cut and filed along with the last 3 week's coupons that were cut but not filed yet.  That means that it only took me 42 minutes to do something that I've been putting off.  Plus I did it sitting at my kitchen table while my hubby and son were watching a movie ... so really I was with them while I worked.

Jessica at Life as a Mom did a post this week that was very timely for me!  It's called "Loving Motherhood in an "I'm Bored Society."  It's about the challenges of staying motivated as a mom. Being a mom is hard work!

I find too much lately that I'm bored with the things that need to be done around my house.  There are lots of days that I know there is laundry that needs to be done, bathrooms to be cleaned, floors to be mopped etc etc etc.... But I just have no motivation to do those things.  I've been working hard to make a conscious effort to just do it anyway.  I feel much better having accomplished something and not having it hang over my head.  The things I put off never take as long as I spend dreading doing them.  The more productive I am the better I feel... and of course you know what it means to a household and family when mom is happy!

Thanks Jessica!!!

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