I've heard a little about Kroger's Digital Choice Promotion but tonight was the first time I really looked into it. It's good at these Kroger affiliates also. Here's the scoop ... Buy any 10 Participating Products and get a coupon at checkout good for your choice of One Free Movie Ticket or 15 Free Music Downloads or 15 Free Ringtones. Get all the details here. Music Downloads and Ringtones require account set up with specific companies. Terms state "Get a new redemption code every time you purchase any 10 participating items." So you can do this as many times as you want!
Here's my plan ... I have been waiting and waiting for a deal to stock up on Peanut Butter. Now's the time! My family's favorite Peanut Butter, Skippy Naturals, is a Digital Choice Participating item.
Skippy is priced at $1.79 this week. Not great by itself but .... using the $.75/2 coupon that I'm going to buy multiples of from The Q Hunter I'll pay $1.29 per jar. Better but still not great, right? Kroger's Digital Choice Promotion is what makes this a great deal. Buy 10 jars of Skippy Peanut Butter and get a Free Movie Ticket. That's worth around $9.00 so that's like paying $.39 a jar for the Peanut Butter. I'm going to do it 3 times. I'll be stocked up on Peanut Butter for a long time. That's 30 jars of Skippy and 3 movie tickets for $38.70.
I'll add the 3 movie tickets to the 2 I already have for buying the Toy Story 1 & 2Blue Ray combo packs. My family will have our tickets for Toy Story 3 coming soon. Movies at the theater are a treat for us. We can't wait for this one to come out!!
See the complete list of Participating Items Here. Share your senarios!

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